Feeling Nervous About A Date Or About Your Marriage & Intimacy With Your Loved One?
Oh its quite normal to be nervous or anxious and you are not alone. Any important or a memorable event in life can make one nervous or anxious and one might even be impatient, enthusiastic & energy filled with fear of “nothing should go wrong”.
These should be taken positively and should try to amalgamate your body, mind & soul into an collective process of planning, communicating & organizing even the smallest of the details involved and nothing should be left to chance.
Such memorable events will need your physical & mental attention both, while draining you of your energy in advance before the event. But remember, self care is an art and science. You are the most important person for the vent and your body – both physically & mentally should cope up.
Very organized planned events never add to our anxiety. Delegate the works and decentralize the activities and share your roles and responsibilities with trusted friends and relatives. Be focused on your role and your presence in every moment of your joyous parts of life especially like your first date or a marriage.
Expecting too much from any event may lead to gaps when the event or the plan is not upto your satisfaction. Marriage is a institution and has a lot of relationships to be managed with all attention and care. First – you yourself should take care and be relaxed and prepared for the moments to enjoy every second as these are times that cannot be brought back.
Lets focus on the hero, the you, the man of the event. Before a month or two practice a regular physical routine, to keep your self physically fit for some excessive bodily demands. Body alone is not going to help you and so you need enough mental peace and cool to experience the joy. So practice some meditation regularly for some months before. Body, mind & soul all should be in sync.
Many a times the anxiety spoils the mood of the people involved in the relationship. Communication can help you acclimatize to the new environment. Any new relationship in life brings new expectations, new demands, new needs and unknown turns as people come from different walks of life and join together on a common path ahead.
Nervousness before an event, can be because of lack of clarity, not having a plan in place, who is doing what and how things should be done. In general some people will remain anxious on a daily basis. This may be due to their social environment or work environment too. Life presents with various challenges leading to increased work load, increased personal attention on some people taking your time and energy that could make you irritated.
Staying cool, remaining focused & having a good balanced nutritious diet along with some physical & mental exercises can always ensure a stress free, anxiety free, tensionless performing individual ready to express well and impress his loved ones.
If you are getting married, you groom yourself physically, you select your outfits carefully and plan your gifts to your loved one, right? The same way pls prepare yourself for the physical, emotional and mental demands too by adopting some practices in food and lifestyle.
Being present in the moment will need your full attention in the place of your presence and its called the “Presence of mind”. Having a good presence of mind enhances your enjoyment, for which you have been waiting for long. Good cognitive abilities to observe the surroundings & react accordingly is one ability to display your liveliness and your involvement in any event or function.
As you have expectations from your loved one, they may also have some expectations from you and when you don’t live upto their dreams or expectations, on day 1, they might get upset and you would not like to start a relationship with any negative first impression.
So what should be done? Here are some tips to make you fit physically, fine mentally and perform as needed in any environment with all joy, energy and involvement as you & others expect from you-yourself.
- Don’t expect too much and take things as it comes
- Do not react, but respond
- Don’t get excited and everything passes by
- Take balanced healthy, nutritious diet rich in vital elements
- Practice some physical exercise, yoga and meditation for syncing your body, mind & soul
- Plan, delegate, organize and just focus on your part & forget the rest as its all planned in advance.
All the chaos will be over after the event and then its upto you to remain focused on your loved one and yourself. Especially in an event like marriage, after which the relationship demands & emotional demands may increase. Here comes your turn to perform.
Your first impression is registered on the first day & night of with your loved one alone. Here comes anxiety and tension of performance to satisfy your loved ones emotional & intimate love demands. One cannot stay long, if stressed or anxious. So keep your cool as you have enough time to impress and your cool is the best tonic. Take time to adapt, adopt and acclimatize yourself with your loved one. Communicate, share words and compliment, gift something and start the game of life with your loved one without any stress.
Many don’t involve in any physical relation on the same day of marriage due to tiredness, lethargy and anxiety. No issues. Keep your cool and accommodate your partner too. Take adequate care and be empathetic. Everyone has their bodily demands and after continuous exertion, one may need some adequate rest.
Know about your and your partners mood, be present and don’t urge or stress on physical intimacy alone. Accept that it takes time for anyone to merge into a relationship like a marriage.
Also some take the help of the healthcare professionals in planning their initial days to remain cool & fight stress & anxiety along with better stamina for satisfying increased physical demands. You can also take such a help and a counselling session can assist you and your partner cope up for a better understanding of the bodily & emotional demands.
Foods rich in antioxidants, a multivitamin mineral supplement, nutritious food, enough sleep, some sports or exercise & good communication can make it a great experience for you.
There are remedies suggested in ancient Indian medicinal books like Ayurveda, that are prepared as some chyavanaprash to be taken before, during & after such events, that can help us cope up better. With modern technology, now such products are available as easy to consume lifestyle supplements in the form of tablets or capsules, that can be consumed regularly from before 2-3 months of any such events that can make one physically, mentally & emotionally productive and give reason for you & your loved one to START YOUR NEW LIFE WITH A SMILE. Eg. Ashwagandha .